Angoy’s Avenue Outreach
The Angoy’s Avenue Outreach is named after the street in New Amsterdam, Guyana that the program started in . The project began with Urmattie Singh (Lizette’s mother) in 2010 when she revisited the community and saw that it had not changed in the last 18 years. The high levels of poverty and families living without basic necessities such as food, clothing, and water were prevalent.
In 2011, Urmattie Singh raised funds to go to Angoy’s Avenue by selling the food she cooked to local church friends and coworkers, and through collecting donations of gently used clothing for children in need. The success of her fundraiser brought her to Angoy’s Avenue in 2012, and with the help of her local friends, they distributed clothing and prepared food for the children of the community. Her mission became so successful that she returned again in 2014 and 2015.
In 2015, Lizette joined her mother to help with creating more engaging activities for the children like face painting, and giving away snow cones and cotton candy. About 75 children were provided for in 2015 and it grew ever since. In 2016, the amount of children provided for grew to 150 and it doubled in 2018 with about 300 girls and boys. The results of the outreach sparked their initiative to continue the program every two years, the most recent in 2024.